Anyone looking to sell services on the Alura Market must first go through a vetting process and complete an application to become a verified freelancer.
Follow these steps:
Create an account and verify your email address. You can learn how to create an account here.
Once your account has been fully verified, click the button CREATE A NEW LISTING.
You will be prompted to complete the verified freelancer application. Click, APPLY NOW.
Answer all required fields in the verified freelancer application form.
Note: The more information and examples of past work you can provide the easier it will be for us to verify your account. Please take your time during the application process and complete the required fields in as much detail as possible.
You will receive an email with all the answers you provided in the application. Please wait until a Alura Market representative reviews your application and approves or denies you to list on the Alura Market.
If you have been approved to list on the Alura Market you will receive an acceptance email that your account has been approved to create listings.
Note: If you have not been approved to list on the Alura Market you will not receive an email from the Alura Market regarding your acceptance. Please feel free to reach out if you feel that you should have been accepted but were not approved for the Alura Market.