<aside> 💡 Learning resources and frequently asked questions to get you started using Alura Market, for freelancers and buyers. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
General information about the Alura Market platform and how to use it!
About the marketplace
How does the Alura marketplace work?
How do you keep the marketplace Safe & Secure?
What countries & currencies does Alura Market support?
Managing your account
How do I change my profile info?
The most popular questions and answers about buying on the Alura Marketplace.
Common buyer questions
How does the Alura Market screen freelancers?
How do I search for a freelancer?
How can I contact a freelancer?
What should I look for in a freelancer?
A freelancer asked for my email, should I give it to them?
Can a freelancer create a custom order for me?
What do I do if I'm unhappy with an order?
How and when do I mark an order as complete?
How do I leave a freelancer a review?
How much does Alura Market cost a buyer?
How are my credit card details protected?
Does Alura Market issue invoices?
When will I be charged for a service I purchased?
The most popular questions and answers about selling on the Alura Marketplace.